Today I was simply minding my own business doing my laps in the pool in peace. All of a sudden I spot sideways man coming my way. Sigh. Sideways man is the man who comes in his teeny little Speedo and thinks he rules the pool. I do my laps down the length of the pool, as does every other normal swimmer that I know. You swim the LONG way. Sideways man swims sideways, therefore interrupting the rest of us swimmers who do it the normal-person way. It's like he's the frog in Frogger who is trying to veer past all the cars and trucks in order to get to the lily pad.
I am the car or the truck who is just trying to do things the normal way while the Frog is risking death to get to the other side. It's not my fault if I run into him.
This reminds me of the time when I found the old Atari in our cabinet. Madie and I tried to revive it (because who can resist frogger or the bowling game) but it was so old that none of the cords were adaptable with our tv. We went on quite a Yakima quest looking for the right cords or whatever, but to no avail. Apparently they are not a very hot commodity.
BUT today it was different! Sideways man started out swimming sideways, but after a length or two he gave up and started swimming the long way. Finally, sideways man can!! I'm sorry I ever doubted him, and yet I have no doubt that that he will revert to his old ways when I leave the pool. Then after that I don't care.
There's all sorts of strange motions and movements all disguised as exercise going on among the Chinese. I often walk or run in the morning on the road behind my apartments, and many of my neighbors do the same. After doing this for a year or so, you start to get to know people. There's Clapper Man, who walks up and down the hill swinging his arms and clapping the whole time. There's also a Swinging Arm Woman (who bears no relation to Clapper Man) who walks while flailing her arms across her body. Then there's all sorts of hip-shaking movements and enough other stuff to really make you laugh, except for the fact that I see it all the time, so therefore it's not that funny anymore. The one thing that still really makes me laugh is the old man who does his stretches on his balcony every morning in his underwear.
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