Morning Market

on Friday, March 27, 2009

When you live somewhere awhile life becomes so ordinary. The market just becomes a market. The chicken man does his highly-unsanitary thing day after day and you don't even think about it (and never seems to display salmonella symptoms). The American oldies songs blaring from the speakers at the Chinese market are only mildly entertaining. You don't bat an eye at the rats scurrying about. I end up at the Tanjung Bungah wet market at least twice a week for my food shopping. And I just realized that I'm really going to miss this when I leave. It's not your typical American grocery shopping experience. So this morning I brought my camera to capture it in pictures.

Veggie Man. Every time he tries to convince me to buy celery. I hate celery.

Yummy fruits!

My egg lady. She's the one that introduced me to the double-yolk eggs.

The chicken man. This has "salmonella" written all over it.

Breakfast at the market. My favorite tosei/chapati lady is in the middle stall.

My dear masala tosei...I will miss you when I leave.

A steaming bowl of Wantan Mee, one of my Chinese favorites. Yes, noodles for breakfast is normal here.

Mister Stray Market Dog