Sunday afternoons

on Monday, July 16, 2012
Sunday is my favorite day of the week.  My time on Sunday is precious to me.  We go to church, have lunch at our usual epic vegetarian restaurant, then go home.  Reuben takes off to teach for Sunday afternoons so I have the place to myself until.  Usually I take a nap, but I finally got my hands on the Hunger Games, and I haven't been able to put it down since Friday evening.  I finished it this afternoon!  Good thing, because it gave me a heck of a lot of anxiety this weekend!  The book is pretty much all my worst nightmares come true, the kind that you don't want to wake up from just yet because you want to hope that it can at least end well.  I devoured it.  

I also devoured this Stonyfield organic yogurt that I found on sale at Cold Storage this week.  Normally we just get the big tub of plain yogurt these days (I don't really care for homemade yogurt, at least how I know to make it!) and I'm pretty tired of it.  I usually don't like to drop 5 dollars on a single-serving container of "imported from the U.S.A." yogurt, but when I saw it on sale I practically bought them all. Yum.