on Sunday, February 21, 2010
Once upon a time, on a recent beautiful sunny sunday, I went on a run. The great thing about running on Bainbridge Island is that no matter where you go, you're bound to end up on a beach. One of my favorite destinations is South Beach, a beautiful, private beach tucked away on the southernmost tip of the island. Although there's about a dozen homes that overlook this beach, I've never seen anyone on the beach. I'm starting to believe that I use their beach more than the owners of the beach houses do. When I run here, I usually make a stop here, for a few minutes at least. But today was beautiful and sunny and warm, so I decided to linger awhile.

I made beach art.

On my way home from church this morning, I stopped by starbucks and discovered this. I had to have it. It's my new best friend.

It's one of those days that everything is well and perfect in the world.
I ♥ .