Higher Math

on Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I was in (re)decorating mode again last week and I had to bring back my brain power along with it.  It was exhausting, let me tell you.  
I'll start from the beginning.  I was inspired by the colors in  this board and decided that I needed some complementary colors to go along with our "cantaloupe" couches (according to the color chart below). 

I had been wanting to do something with chevron strips lately and I found a nice light blue color that would go great with "cantaloupe".  First, I had to lay out the strips with wide masking tape.  I knew this was going to be the most time-consuming part of the project, but I didn't figure I was also going to get a lesson in math by the end.   After staring at a strip of tape for a good hour or so and confused as to why my measurements and stripes I had laid out weren't looking right, I asked Reuben for help.   He rattled something off about the Pythagorean Theorem and finding the area of a triangle.  In the end, he may have solved the problem for me, but I ignored the (what us educators call) "teachable moment".  I'm old and wise enough now (I am in my LATE twenties, after all) I'd rather not strain my brain cells with algebra anymore.  
I intended to spraypaint the stripes, but that didn't work so I used acrylic paint.

THEN I saw a fantastic idea for making a pattern out of paint and potatoes.  I was going to the market that morning anyway, so that was just dandy.   But of course it wasn't quite that easy, because I first had to CUT the potato into a parallelogram.  That went alright, but after I had chopped up the potato and stamped the first row, I realized that I needed two different stamps to make the pattern.  That totally blew my mind, because isn't a parallelogram a parallelogram? 

Looking a little bit like a tire track?
In other news, I'm still scrounging around the recycling room/bins.  I picked this footstool up this weekend. I plan (eventually) to paint it and recover the cushion with fabric.  No math allowed.

So much potential.